The Survival Of The Family Dentist Practice

What questions should I ask a new dentist?

Trying to find the perfect new dentist doesn’t have to be challenging or time-consuming if you know what you’re looking for in the first place. Start out by writing down any of your concerns or conditions, as well as questions.

Questions will vary from person to person. Maybe you’re moving somewhere completely new and have no idea where to start. Perhaps you don’t like your dentist and want to switch. Or maybe your current dentist is closing their practice and you need to go somewhere else.

Regular dental visits are extremely important for maintaining healthy teeth and a perfect smile. Finding a dental practice and a dentist that’s right for you isn’t a very difficult job when you know what you are looking for and are aware of the questions you should ask your dentist. Good communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Your connection with your dentist depends on how effectively you communicate with them.

Discussing your health concerns, dental habits, fears, and apprehensions with your dentist makes a big difference. After all, this is the person who will look inside your mouth every 6 months. Hence, you must be comfortable with your dentist, especially when asking questions! Here are some questions that you must ask when going to a new dentist.


How Can We Improve My Dental Health?

Dental health can be improved when you and your dentists work together towards the same goal. Share your routine with your new dentist and get the necessary guidelines about brushing and flossing. You can ask about what kind of toothbrush you should use and how often should you replace it. Ask your dentist to demonstrate the right way to brush and floss. Your dentist will guide you about the frequency of your dental visits. You can discuss the oral hygiene products that you are using or wish to use. Your dentist will give suggestions about your fluoride intake, night guards, and bad breath. Be sure to inform your dentist about any pain, discomfort, or anything out of the ordinary that you’re experiencing.

How Is My Current Dental Health?

A new dentist will most probably examine your entire oral cavity, including teeth, gums, jaws, tongue, and throat. You’ll be checked for lesions, wounds, bumps, cavities, plaque, tartar, or signs of teeth grinding. They’ll assess your overall dental health and will be able to give you a proper analysis. Once this is done, they’ll discuss your treatment options and preferences. This is a good time to ask your dentist any questions about your current oral health, and any ways you can improve your oral health.

What Ways Can I Optimize My Dental Health Through Diet and Hygiene?

Your diet and oral hygiene impact your oral health in many ways. Ask your Dentist about ways you can adjust your daily routine to support any dental treatments or needs you may have. What foods may impact your teeth for better or worse? What daily habits will support your goals? Your Dentist may be able to advise specific changes that will help to support what they are doing to treat or maintain your oral health.


What is Causing the Pain in My Teeth?

Oral pain and discomfort can be caused by a range of different factors, from broken or cracked teeth to tooth sensitivity. If there is a problem, it can be detected easily during your routine exam with the help of your bi-annual x-rays in most cases. However, you should always tell your dentist exactly where you feel the pain because it’s not always apparent from an exam or x-ray. Because of this, ask your dentist about any discomfort or pain you’re experiencing so that they can check it out.

Should I Consider Teeth Whitening Treatments?

Whitening treatments are a great way to improve the appearance of your teeth and reverse years worth of stains. Dental offices have different types of whitening treatments and asking your dentist about the available options will help you determine which is right for you. For example, most dentists offer in-office whitening treatments that take about an hour.

What Procedures Can Improve the Strength of My Teeth?

Fluoride treatments and some dental procedures can help improve the strength and resiliency of your smile. Your dentist will offer a range of these treatments, and you can receive recommendations according to what you’re hoping to achieve. Fluoride treatments are most often done for smaller children, but many adults benefit from them if they have weak teeth that are more susceptible to cavities. You may also benefit from some types of cosmetic dentistry, such as dental crowns, bridges, or implants to improve the strength and appearance of your teeth, depending on the extent of the dental damage.


Do I have any dental health conditions I should know about?

This question will start a conversation about the current health of your smile, providing insight into how you can improve it.

What are your payment and financial policies?

It’s always important to understand the financial policies of your dental practice, so ask this question before starting treatment.

What is your continuing education policy?

The science and practice of dentistry is constantly changing, and your dentist should be attending continuing education to keep up with the latest. Don’t be afraid to ask how they stay current with new treatments and technologies.


Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive?

If you have sensitivity issues, it’s important to ask your dentist about the causes and what you can do to control the sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity can be caused by a myriad of issues, such as orthodontic work, whitening treatments, certain medications, cracks in your teeth, or dental decay. If your dentist can discover the cause of your sensitivity, it may help to diagnose other issues or prevent it from getting worse.

Should I Be Concerned About Gingivitis and Gum Disease?

Your dentist can give you product recommendations as well as oral hygiene techniques that should be utilized at home to prevent gingivitis and other forms of periodontal disease. When gingivitis is left uncontrolled, it can become worse and affect the overall integrity of your oral health. Gum disease can cause swelling, pain, bleeding, bad breath, loose teeth, and even result in your gums receding. Ask your dentist for the best tips on how to lower your risk for gum disease.

At What Age Should My Child See a Dentist?

Now is a great time to get answers to questions about your family’s oral health as well. If you have recently had a baby, you may be wondering when they should go in for a visit. Most babies should see a dentist when their first tooth erupts, but many dental professionals will recommend them going to see a pediatric dentist when they are between one and two years old.